Southern Lakes Regional Metropolitan Parks and Recreation Commission
The Southern Lakes Regional Metropolitan Parks & Recreation Commission was formed in November 2000 and is supported by the taxpayers of the City of Fenton, City of Linden, and Fenton Township. Two appointed members from each municipality make up the six member board.
- Pat Lockwood, Chairperson, City of Fenton, Email: lockwoodpa4@gmail.com
- Ray Culbert, Vice Chair, City of Linden, Email: culbertdesign1@aol.com
- Robert Kesler, Treasurer, Fenton Twp, Email: robertckesler@yahoo.com
- Dave McDermott, Secretary, City of Fenton, Email: dave@davemcdermott.net
- Brenda Simons, City of Linden, Email: bsimons@lindenmi.us
- Christine Reid, Fenton Twp., Email: cmreid8@charter.net
SLPR Board Meeting Dates:
All meetings are on the 4th Friday of each month at 7:30 am, in the club room, lower level at the Fenton Community & Cultural Center (150 S. Leroy St., Fenton, MI 48430)
Meetings may also be held virtually over zoom, depending on current MDHHS Guidelines.
- 12/19/24* (3rd Thursday)
- 1/24/25
- 2/28/25
- 3/28/25
- 4/25/25
- 5/23/25
- 6/27/25
- 7/25/25
- 8/22/25
- 9/26/25
- 10/24/25
- 11/21/25* (3rd Friday)
- 12/19/25* (3rd Friday)
See the Meetings Calendar to view upcoming meetings.
To view the SLPR Board meeting minutes, click the link below to view the file in PDF form.
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Meetings Calendar
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat