Notice of PUBLIC Hearing

SLPR Silver Lake Road Connector Trail Public Hearing

Proposed Silver Lake Road Connector Trail M.D.N.R. Grant Application

The Southern Lakes Regional Metropolitan Parks and Recreation Commission (SLPR) is developing a Michigan Department of Natural Resources Trust Fund grant application for the development of the Silver Lake Road Connector Trail. The pathway will be constructed along the south side of Silver Lake Road through the communities of Linden, Fenton and Fenton Township and connects Triangle Park in the City of Linden with Silver Lake Park in the City of Fenton.  The proposed pathway benefits the southern lakes area communities by providing alternate transportation, recreational opportunities, and regional connectivity with an overall goal to develop non-motorized connectivity within these southern Genesee County communities and beyond.

SLPR will be holding an informational public hearing on Thursday, September 17that 6 PM to explain the proposed project and grant application and seek input from the community. Due to COVID restrictions, the public hearing will be held using the Zoom meeting platform.  Use the following link to attend the meeting, ask questions and/or show your support:  or dial in at (646) 558-8656, using the meeting ID 868 0596 4438 and Pass Code   606872.

 If you have any questions, please contact Ed Koledo at SLPR by calling (810) 714-2011 or using email at 

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